I generally offer my services and signature seminars nationwide. I simply ask that you make a note of this in the contact form or at the very latest during the initial consultation.
This of course depends on various factors: the type, location and expected scope of the work I am to provide.
We will discuss an individual offer after a clarifying preliminary discussion.
All of my packages come with a satisfaction guarantee. See point 4 of this FAQ list.
My advice and consulting packages should provide significant added value and have a lasting impact!
Of course I do and every signature-seminar is available in German & English as a standart. This covers my (live-) presentation as well as the entire documentation.
If you need to cover additional languages, we need to discuss how to arrange it best. As I usually say: There's always a solution!
Do you like buying a pig in a poke?
Great. Then we have something in common. I don't really like doing that either.
As already mentioned, my advice should provide you with significant added value and bring measurable results & improvements!
If you are not completely satisfied with the service at the end, I will do everything I can to ensure your complete satisfaction. No ifs or buts.
In certain cases (e.g. start-ups), we can discuss alternative options regarding the fee - i.e. spreading the fee over 3 convenient monthly installments.
Is this model fair and transparent? Certainly a bit of both. This is exactly how I ensure a high standard of advice and a fair contractual partnership for both sides. And we don't need to talk about the cat anymore.
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