Coaching package comparison

What exactly is done in the coaching sessions and what does that mean for the Silver, Gold and Diamond packages?

FEATURES der Coaching Pakete Silver, Gold & Diamond

Powerful and effective

Determining your current location

We don't need Google Maps for this, but we do need your self-assessment of where you currently stand in key areas of your life (including physical condition, partnership, career, finances, relationships).


Once your current challenge(s) have been identified, it's time to set your goals - SMART, which means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Appropriate and Time-related.

Value system

We get to the bottom of your value system and look at which values drive you, which hold you back and how you can use this knowledge.

Basic needs

Everyone has six basic needs, including you. Some of them are more pronounced than others. We will find out what they are for you and what that means specifically for you.


No, it has nothing to do with church or religion. It's more about your inner attitude. We examine your traditional beliefs and eliminate those that separate you from the next level.

Tools & Methods

Coaching is a process. During this process, your commitment is required. I will support you with a lot of effective tools, but there will also be homework for you on the way to your goal. Otherwise it would be too easy.

Okay. And what does this mean for the Silver, Gold & Diamond packages

Apart from the bonuses and some special elements (such as 30-minute power sessions), the packages differ in the number of coaching sessions. It is obvious that Diamond offers more time and intensity to devote to the features listed above due to the number of coaching sessions. We simply have more time in Diamond and Gold. Time for more depth, more repetition, more reflection, or simply time to discuss and use a wider range of tools.

To the packages

Booking request for Silver, Gold or Diamond

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